Banana stalk paper draining on molds, pulp in black vat
I attended the Friends of Dard Hunter 28th Annual Paper Conference in Atlanta back in October... so much happening I haven't had time to process the huge amount of information presented here. It's always a chance to catch up with old friends and see what's new in the paper world - always mind boggling, breath taking and inspirational. This year was no different except, friend and artist, Madeline Gary attended with me making the experience that much richer - both hoping to attend next year in Tennessee. My sea grass paper was well received so I will continue to refine my process for the best possible results.
Helen Heibert's demo on shrinkage of over beaten abaca, Steve Miller's workshop making banana stalk paper ( I could just eat it... orangey and translucent - yum) and Drew Mattot's Combat Paper Project were standouts. See Helen's video "Water Paper Time"- unique !
Combat Paper Project
The Combat Paper Project - cutting up soldiers' uniforms to make pulp for a very special paper made into journals or for art or poetry. Soldiers who donate these uniforms write of their experiences or feelings.... very cathartic and very helpful in re-entering society after serving in a war zone... swords into plowshares so to speak, uniforms into a platform for words and thoughts. Very nice. Catching on around the country. Loved sharing in this experience.... can't wait to see what happens next year.
Meanwhile I'm looking for a banana tree to grow in my yard along with the pathetic little 5" mulberry tree I brought from NY....hope it makes it. Guess I'll stick with sea grass for now.
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