400 year old live oak, "The Secession Tree", Bluffton, SC
I've been out of touch for most of the summer due to an illness and death in our family and other situations requiring my presence in both Florida and New York.
I neglected this blog and stopped creating art and making paper. Time just seemed to fly by and at the same time stand still.
Finally, back home in Bluffton and in a better frame of mind, I attended a "celebration" under this tree (on private property not usually available for view). On July 29th, 1844, 500 residents met to discuss secession from the Union. They were not successful until the 1860's and then of course the Civil War was declared- most of the houses surrounding this tree were burned down. Such a beautiful peaceful place... that had borne witness to such anger,violence and tragedy and how quickly everything passes and changes. I thought about how little time we are actually here and wondering about my contribution to society. This tree was already 150 or so years old during the American Revolution ---and here I stand admiring its beauty thinking about "time" Also thinking about the beautiful trees we've destroyed for paper and progress and recommitted myself to making/using only tree free paper whenever and wherever possible and recycling often.
Its about time I start moving forward again and get back to work.
"Button Nightmare"
I may have been out of touch for awhile but have managed to show some work. Fittingly this small piece is about recycling .
"A.R.T. Art Recycled from Trash" was a juried exhibition held in May at the Picture This Gallery on Hilton Head Island SC . (http://www.picturethishiltonhead.com/) It exhibited work made with at least 75% of recycled manufactured products that would be going to the dump. In my piece the paper is recycled coffee filters, embedded bottle caps and paper buttons in a re- purposed frame covered in book pages with ink running into the crevices. I intend to make a much larger piece, unframed, hung on nails .... like a shed skin. On my to do list eventually.
"In The Trenches"
In the Trenches - my book collaboration with Pat Sahertian (http://studio-ps.blogspot.com/) has been traveling...
It was shown at the ABECEDARIAN GALLERY in Denver, CO, in July, in a show "Interior Markings" (http://www.abecedariangallery.com/). This gallery focuses on book arts.
"TRENCHES" could also be seen at the WILLO NORTH GALLERY in Phoenix AZ in July as well since we have an edition of 3. It was shown with UAC ...Urban Artists Collective... a very exciting group of artists. (http://urbanartistscollective.wordpress.com/)
Looking for more book shows...... we've had excellent reviews of this book and hope to someday find a home for at least one of the editions.
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