Thursday, August 5, 2010

Back to a Large Format

Banana skins, oak leaves, black walnut hulls, bubbling pure abaca

"Field in Four Seasons" "Woodland in Four Seasons"

Nature's scraps, seeds, leaves , sticks and twigs

These large wall hangings were created with the pulp made from the found material at each site (oak leaves in the woodland, grasses from the field) each site contained a large variety of material so I had many colors and textures of pulp to "paint" with. Each represents the life cycle of the environment, winter, summer spring and fall.

These and the "Untitled" above are large... approx. 3'x4' wall hangings created in a large deckle box. All are left unframed so that the paper reacts to its environment and cockles and twists accordingly -interesting to watch the changes. The different pulps contract, shrink and relax according to their own properties within each piece as well. ...a mini environment. These have been shown in several galleries hanging without protection with great success.... paper tougher than you'd think.

With the studio finally set up, kinks worked out I'm looking forward to making many more large pieces and back to a regular routine. Finally comfortable in my new home ... (I still might like to play with paper buttons occasionally)

"Oracle Bones", artist book, paper, wax, found objects

"The Promise", artist book, paper and seeds, mulberry twigs

"Corporate Verses", shredded currency embedded in mulberry paper, traditionally bound.

The above artists books ... the top two are pageless and rather large compared to the "Button Tale" series. I'm just passionate about making books - well, as a conceptual artist this seems to be the best way to express myself. The "Oracle Bones" is my favorite "child", the "Promise" is in a private collection in Connecticut, and "Corporate Verses" is in the Crane Paper Gallery collection in Mass. I have plans for many more...I actually have a book of books to be sculptures.....


"Treasure's Gate"

These large pieces are cast paper...always a fun way to use left over pulp treated with a heavy sizing. Just one damp left over sheet of out I'll cast anything not moving.

"Procession "- was cast on a large wood block and colored with oil pastels, "Treasure's Gate" was cast over a 19th century fireplace grate in my possession. I found many objects hidden behind the paint encrusted cast iron grate - gold rings, bracelets, medals, watch fob, chloroform (?), dominoes, pins. Pat Sahertian ( has done an amazing extensive art project based on these finds, check Pat's blog and look for TREASURES. I will also, one of these days, base a book on this find.

I love casting paper over or in anything (plaster molds etc) the dimensional feel of the paper brings it into a whole new art form...sculpture. Its no wonder paper is my choice of medium. There isn't anything you cant do with it....even eat it (John Cage's Edible Papers) !
sooooo lots of work ahead.....

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