Conference - October 18th-24th
- October 19th-21st workshops
- October 21st-24th meeting
I can't wait. These conferences bring together national and international hand papermakers for a few days for workshops, lectures, art shows, new ideas, tools, theories, master and novice papermakers and bookbinders, scientists, educators - all anxious to share their knowledge. All committed to keeping the tradition of the art of hand papermaking alive.
I will be attending with my long time friend and artist, Madeline Gary of Charlotte, NC. Part of the fun is chatting on the drive to Tennessee while anticipating new found knowledge like making bone folders from bone and antlers (Jim Croft demonstration) or Explorations with Encaustic (Catherine Nash), Miniature Books (Peter Thomas), Clay moulds for paper casting (Jon Hook)- on and on. The ride home equally exciting as we discuss it all and try to remember what we learned and what we will put to use. This conference is the highlight of each year in papermaking.
I will enter a piece for the art show at the conference "Into the Woods" (in progress)
more copper sunset papers
mixing sticks
making my favorite tools for the FDH Trade Fair along with other tools and papermaking "things"... walnut hulls for dye, feathers - as well as stacks of unusual papers. I take a table almost every year as a way of meeting new members or visitors and to let everyone know what new projects I'm working on.... not a money maker by any means...just a fun way to socialize.
Each mixing stick has a whittled handle and tip that is hammered into a drilled hole in the "X" then sanded - no glue or nails... each unique and crafted to feel good in your hand.
I use one for each vat of pulp I'm using, especially when working with children's classes. This prevents little hands from cross contaminating the vats of different colored pulps... and fun for the children as well.
sea grass, banana, copper
still making more - sunset copper
hey, way cool!!!! never have I seen paper like that. Did not even know you had a web page like this. you go girl !!!!!